Hello Blogging World, And Devout Readers/ (Over-Begged and Indulgent Friends)
Well, My blogs are certainly becoming further apart. I think the excitement of being able to say, "yeah I have my own web page" has worn off. I do love doing it though. I found that as I go through my day I catch myself saying,"Oh I cant wait to blog about that"!!!
I Usually do and then I get off on some overly passionate tangent. I just think that if someone takes the time to explain to you all the dangers of your home, food, etc.... Why wouldn't you want to change. At least one thing.
Ok, See there I go. :-)
Well, This week we tossed the Microwave. Im proud to say its been a whole week and nobody died. My husband did have an accident one cold night where he craved some Taco Lasagna after I fell asleep... He later confessed to plugging in the microwave in the laundry room. lol.
It seems like it would be difficult at first but its really not to bad. If you figure the only thing you need to microwave are frozen dinners, popcorn in a bag, something processed, and leftovers....And we don't eat anything with an ingredient list. I just pop in the leftover casserole for 10 minutes and its hot again.
I also was telling you how we cut the grocery bill in half,..... That's proving to be quite the stress reliever. Its amazing how many veggies and fruits I put on the conveyor belt now. In fact: I completely bypass all the center isles, end caps, and frozen section at the store. No lunch meats, frozen foods, margarine, artificial anythings. That's alittle harder. But I feel relieved and like some kind of incredible super mom when i see that I shopped the outer ends of the store and have no ingredient list.
Lets see,....... What else... Oh the NO POO challenge. I have had some difficult moments, I wont lie. If I screw up and use to much b.soda, I fight to get it silky again. If I scrub really good, I have no oily hair for at least 4 days. But that I have some agitating tangles near the roots. Its been touch and go this week. I found that fresh squeezed Lemon is fricken magic. lol. The bottled stuff is not considerably...."A JOKE"
I will be heading to another larger health food store this week, Hoping to find an organic all natural shampoo. And maybe a conditioner, Fingers crossed. Dont get me wrong, my hair is super clean and I love the shine and the way its self lightened two shades, But Im tired of trial and error. At least for a while.
Ummm, what else. .....
I have come up with some amazing recipes this week.
Instead of cinnamon rolls with icing. I made Strawberry Jam Rolls with a fresh lemon glaze.. It was amazing.
2 cups Jiffy Mix
2/3 cup milk...
Mix til it forms a dough, Then kneed 20 or so times. Roll into a 15x9 rectangle.
Spread with a homemade strawberry Jam or An organic spread.
A dash of cinnamon, Then roll Lentghwise.
Cut into 1 inch strips and place on a prepared baking sheet.
350- for 10 minutes.
After ten minutes, remove them from the oven and drizzle your icing on top. Then put back in for 5 minutes. Enjoy!
For the icing
Honey, Agave, (Or powdered sugar)
1/2 of a lemon zested.
Make a thin liquid to your desired sweetness.
I think that's it for now. I will post later this week, First can I share with you guys something.
I know nobody wants to hear the girl that preaches Natural, Healthy, Simple, Sustainability, Say that she is not heaklthy... But seriously. Not so much.
I think that why I finally decided to go all in with this. Force my children and husband to jump in.
3 years ago I found out I had a tumor. There was 8 or 9 different medical opinions, from Doctors, and Surgeons, and even the Xray Techs. What was a small issue that could be cut out or seared, then became a mass, which was then possibly cancerous, then it was benign, then it was my hormones. Then I was a 23 yr old with the possibilty of menopause, and screwed up hot FLASHES.
Now Im a 26 yr old with No answer., Why!?!? Because after all those opinions and not one damn diagnosis and 3 small babies to raise, I never went back. I didnt return the phone calls or reevaluate the surgery options, or the drug treatments. No body could agree, no body knew what the hell they were looking at.....So i gave up... Yup. I figured it would go away. But it didnt.
Now I live with excrutiating pain at least 10 days a month and manageble pain the rest. I have hot flashes and bone aches, and I am ALWAYS nauseus. I am always sick. And I am ALWAYS tired. The tired never ends. I feel tired usually within ten minutes of waking up. And then i am fatigued all day. All day Everyday of my life. It sums up to constant pain, nausea, exhaustion, mood swings, and hot flashes every day for the last three years. It makes everyday a challenge. EVen simple things like walking to the bus stop, Talking on the phone, Making dinner....Even moving off the couch,..... a horrible inconvenience, sometimes, I cant even remember what pain free is like. My tolerence to pain has become so high that childbirth would be a breeze....seriously!
Why you would want to know that is beyond me, But I needed to vent...(Mostly because after only a 5 hour day at work) I am completely torn down, Laying in bed,....fighting back the constant urge to vomit.) I am hoping along the way I will find the answer my body needs to fight this....Whatever "THIS" is and to prevent my children from being sick like this....
Anyways, The hubbers has yet another comforting bath going, So Ive gotta go but well catch up on a better day this week. Thanks for reading...
Striving to live as simply, peacefully, healthy, and clean as possible. And LOVING every minute of it.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Ok, so I know its been a few days. But trust me I needed a little vacation. The husband is home from being on the road, and I got some much needed down time.
I knew when my head achieved a complete 360 degree rotation, that it was time to go into hiding.
But It opened some awesome doors. I got to spend grown up time having grown up conversation with some real live grown ups. (Score) I went to work, I grocery shopped....(You'll be happy to know, That not only did I not buy anything with an ingredient label, But I also cut my grocery bill in half!!!)
True Story!!
I also went to the library to check out some amazing books, I HIGHLY recommend
"Super Natural Home" by Beth Greer.
The first chapter is incredible. The first page is Incredible. I was totally hooked after the first line.
I suggest you check it out.!!
So, After The library, the bank, the Grocery store and a lunch date with friends, Me and the hubbers, Drove to the Trading Post. The Trading Post is a store run by two of the most lovely people Ive met here in Kentucky.
Betty Yoder showed me some amazing herbs, took me into her herb room, and taught a few valuable things.
Needless to say I will be back!!
I picked up almost a half pound of Lavender flowers, Some Chamomile flowers, Peppermint Oil, Lemon Oil, Castile Soap, And some tea.
I cam home, Put away all my organic foods:-) And made some Laundry soap and shampoo.
Did I mention that the reason I went was for my stomach bug ridden child....
Betty Gave me some Peppermint oil to rub on Cheyennes tummy which, combined with Lavender bath, (Boil the lose flowers in a tea pot then strain the water into the bath, Otherwise the flowers stick to you and the walls...)
And the Chamomile and Fennel seed tea made her feel 100 times better. (Fennel seed is a common kitchen spice.)
(I rubbed the peppermint right on her tummy and it subsided her aches, Then I stirred her tea with my finger which put the peppermint oil in her tea. You really only need to tip of a tooth pick dipped in oil for the tea. This Essential Oil is incredibly strong. It can be rubbed on the bottom of feet for temperatures, and rubbed on the temple for a head ache.)
(Chamomile soothes Pain in the stomach as does Fennel Seed.)
And I was amazed at how a sickness that ran its course of 7 painful days on me, Lasted only 2 days on her.
I also used some of those lavender flowers along with the Castile soap to make Laundry detergent that smells good and cleans!
The laundry soap was
1/2 cup castile soap.
1/2 cup borax or baking soda.
A fresh squeezed lemon.
And fill the remainder of the container with lavender water.
I use 1/4 cup of the detergent in a full load. To soak your whites use borax and make a pate to rub on them, Let the stain sit for an hour or so, then wash.
And hang your clothes in the sun to naturally and harmlessly bleach them.
These are my Lavender flowers. Just a 1/4 cup in a tea pot makes for a wonderful bath soak. (Great for cranky kids, or tired moms)
Here's my Hoosier, with the body soap, and hair conditioning rinse, and Laundry detergent that I so proudly made.
I know that as a nation we have become so dependant on the finer things in life also being the convenient and easier things in life, But knowing what I know now, I could never put these things into my children's bodies, or into our homes without feeling horrible. Without knowing exactly what I was doing. By continuing to live the was we have, Im saying to my kids, "Hey its a gamble, of course, but Im going to willing let you get childhood leukemia, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, breast cancer, cavities, lower your I.Q, and possibly watch you die before me." "why, Because Chef Boyardee, is easier and less time consuming, Fruit Loops is easier than Fresh Fruit,... Mc Donald's gives you a toy.... And that's just the food friends.
Did you know conventional non organic popcorn lists 33 insecticides, 38 herbicides, 5 fumigants, 15 fungicides, and 4 misc chemicals in the Popcorn Boards 2008 AGRI CHEMICAL HANDBOOK.
That's crazy!!! Why not just top your BUTTER-O-MATIC with some spray paint. And they say feeding yourself nonorganic fruit is like buying fruit and then spraying roach spray on it and taking a big ole bite...Why? Why would we continue to live and eat like this if we are aware.
I am changing my home. You can change yours.
*Try Buying foods that have NO INGREDIENT LIST, or a small ingredient list, with words you understand.
*Also, Try cleaning your home with organic natural cleaners or homemade ones out of white vinegar and baking soda.
*And shop the Shoppers List of fruit and veggies. By the Dirty Dozen organic. You find this list in a previous blog.
Just by changing those 3 things you've already improved your child's life and your own greatly.
Before I go, I wanted to update you on the NO POO challenge. I have been washing my hair without conventional shampoo for almost 2 weeks. I noticed the color has gotten much lighter, and it smells great. Ive only had to wash it 3 times. And that's pushing it. I could probably get away with washing it once a week. The oil has diminished greatly, it shines and sparkles.
I had an issue on the second wash where I used to much baking soda and it was kinda dry/crunchy feeling, so I got in the bath and just washed it with a honey rinse. Problem solved. All hair types are different. And we've spent our whole lives putting these chemicals on it, so there is a period where your hair goes through changes, Just like your body does during a pregnancy. If you cant hold out during these changes and experiment with your hair, than try a natural organic chemical free shampoo from the Health Food Store.
Thanks for reading everyone. If you have any questions let me know,
I hope you are one step closer to Organically Washing your House of its over chemically run lifestyle.
I knew when my head achieved a complete 360 degree rotation, that it was time to go into hiding.
But It opened some awesome doors. I got to spend grown up time having grown up conversation with some real live grown ups. (Score) I went to work, I grocery shopped....(You'll be happy to know, That not only did I not buy anything with an ingredient label, But I also cut my grocery bill in half!!!)
True Story!!
I also went to the library to check out some amazing books, I HIGHLY recommend
"Super Natural Home" by Beth Greer.
The first chapter is incredible. The first page is Incredible. I was totally hooked after the first line.
I suggest you check it out.!!
So, After The library, the bank, the Grocery store and a lunch date with friends, Me and the hubbers, Drove to the Trading Post. The Trading Post is a store run by two of the most lovely people Ive met here in Kentucky.
Betty Yoder showed me some amazing herbs, took me into her herb room, and taught a few valuable things.
Needless to say I will be back!!
I picked up almost a half pound of Lavender flowers, Some Chamomile flowers, Peppermint Oil, Lemon Oil, Castile Soap, And some tea.
I cam home, Put away all my organic foods:-) And made some Laundry soap and shampoo.
Did I mention that the reason I went was for my stomach bug ridden child....
Betty Gave me some Peppermint oil to rub on Cheyennes tummy which, combined with Lavender bath, (Boil the lose flowers in a tea pot then strain the water into the bath, Otherwise the flowers stick to you and the walls...)
And the Chamomile and Fennel seed tea made her feel 100 times better. (Fennel seed is a common kitchen spice.)
(I rubbed the peppermint right on her tummy and it subsided her aches, Then I stirred her tea with my finger which put the peppermint oil in her tea. You really only need to tip of a tooth pick dipped in oil for the tea. This Essential Oil is incredibly strong. It can be rubbed on the bottom of feet for temperatures, and rubbed on the temple for a head ache.)
(Chamomile soothes Pain in the stomach as does Fennel Seed.)
And I was amazed at how a sickness that ran its course of 7 painful days on me, Lasted only 2 days on her.
I also used some of those lavender flowers along with the Castile soap to make Laundry detergent that smells good and cleans!
The laundry soap was
1/2 cup castile soap.
1/2 cup borax or baking soda.
A fresh squeezed lemon.
And fill the remainder of the container with lavender water.
I use 1/4 cup of the detergent in a full load. To soak your whites use borax and make a pate to rub on them, Let the stain sit for an hour or so, then wash.
And hang your clothes in the sun to naturally and harmlessly bleach them.
These are my Lavender flowers. Just a 1/4 cup in a tea pot makes for a wonderful bath soak. (Great for cranky kids, or tired moms)
Here's my Hoosier, with the body soap, and hair conditioning rinse, and Laundry detergent that I so proudly made.
I know that as a nation we have become so dependant on the finer things in life also being the convenient and easier things in life, But knowing what I know now, I could never put these things into my children's bodies, or into our homes without feeling horrible. Without knowing exactly what I was doing. By continuing to live the was we have, Im saying to my kids, "Hey its a gamble, of course, but Im going to willing let you get childhood leukemia, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, breast cancer, cavities, lower your I.Q, and possibly watch you die before me." "why, Because Chef Boyardee, is easier and less time consuming, Fruit Loops is easier than Fresh Fruit,... Mc Donald's gives you a toy.... And that's just the food friends.
Did you know conventional non organic popcorn lists 33 insecticides, 38 herbicides, 5 fumigants, 15 fungicides, and 4 misc chemicals in the Popcorn Boards 2008 AGRI CHEMICAL HANDBOOK.
That's crazy!!! Why not just top your BUTTER-O-MATIC with some spray paint. And they say feeding yourself nonorganic fruit is like buying fruit and then spraying roach spray on it and taking a big ole bite...Why? Why would we continue to live and eat like this if we are aware.
I am changing my home. You can change yours.
*Try Buying foods that have NO INGREDIENT LIST, or a small ingredient list, with words you understand.
*Also, Try cleaning your home with organic natural cleaners or homemade ones out of white vinegar and baking soda.
*And shop the Shoppers List of fruit and veggies. By the Dirty Dozen organic. You find this list in a previous blog.
Just by changing those 3 things you've already improved your child's life and your own greatly.
Before I go, I wanted to update you on the NO POO challenge. I have been washing my hair without conventional shampoo for almost 2 weeks. I noticed the color has gotten much lighter, and it smells great. Ive only had to wash it 3 times. And that's pushing it. I could probably get away with washing it once a week. The oil has diminished greatly, it shines and sparkles.
I had an issue on the second wash where I used to much baking soda and it was kinda dry/crunchy feeling, so I got in the bath and just washed it with a honey rinse. Problem solved. All hair types are different. And we've spent our whole lives putting these chemicals on it, so there is a period where your hair goes through changes, Just like your body does during a pregnancy. If you cant hold out during these changes and experiment with your hair, than try a natural organic chemical free shampoo from the Health Food Store.
Thanks for reading everyone. If you have any questions let me know,
I hope you are one step closer to Organically Washing your House of its over chemically run lifestyle.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
My gratitude to someone special.
I was sitting here thinking, and I had a small flashback. I rememeber the very first time I was introduced to this more natural way of living. To Homeopathy and Natural Medicine.
I was on a road trip with a very good friend, and I came down with a horrible cold/flu and just remember feeling awful. Sore throat, headache, crappy feeling all over.
Anyways, she stopped off at a small store and bought some Echinacea spray, Echinacea lozenges, and chewable Vitamin C.
She took care of me on the road til I felt good as new.
She taught me how to ride horses bare back, and taught me to care for their health, and their foals, and how to imprint them. She taught me to pick wild berries. And to appreciate nature and the world around me, From the creation of a life, to the most peaceful flutter of a butterfly. She taught me to travel, and to love the road. (Which is something that to this day I cannot control,......... the need to be on the road or discovering somewhere new.) She taught me to drive. She gave me solitude and a place to hide when the world was rough. She showed me how a simple seed could grow into something beautiful and vibrant with love........
She had a big impact on my life. She helped shape parts of me. Taught me to love and trust, and to live natural and simply and peacefully. Most important, she taught me that sometimes you have to let it go if its not healthy for you.
Since I was 15, she has always been an inspiration to me. And always will be.
So, Thank you to you for shaping me,...
I was on a road trip with a very good friend, and I came down with a horrible cold/flu and just remember feeling awful. Sore throat, headache, crappy feeling all over.
Anyways, she stopped off at a small store and bought some Echinacea spray, Echinacea lozenges, and chewable Vitamin C.
She took care of me on the road til I felt good as new.

She had a big impact on my life. She helped shape parts of me. Taught me to love and trust, and to live natural and simply and peacefully. Most important, she taught me that sometimes you have to let it go if its not healthy for you.
Since I was 15, she has always been an inspiration to me. And always will be.
A best friend to me, A Big Sister to me. And Someone I will always, no matter what look up to.So, Thank you to you for shaping me,...
Essentially Healthy Aromatherapy, (Essential Oils)
When I was in college for nursing, I learned a great many things. Things that have influenced my life now, The way I raise my kids. Going thru those classes and semesters of different medical Approach,...showed me things I would have never known. I studied Chinese Medicine, Accupuncture/Accupressure, Hollistic Medicine, Herbs, And Essential Oils.
The Oil part of my education was based on the use of them in therapy. Therapy for the body or Mind, Sports, Physical, Occupational, Speech. It didnt matter the cause, The outcome could all be greater than Science gave it. Greater Than doctors, and labcoats, tweeking our medication. Giving us an injection for this pain, and a cream for that pain, and a sedative for something else, and then 5 more medications because they needed to mask the side effects of the injection and cream. I refuse to subject my children to that. "Heres a flu shot that may or may not prevent you from getting ill. And the side effects will be unknown for now because we are slowly poisoning you with mercury and antifreeze. But please bring your kid back next year to get another one"
Does this make sense? Would you go in and let them put unknown (to you) things into your body, when you're not even really protected.
Have you ever takin the time to read the CDC's list of possible outcomes, and actual side effects before you innoculated your kids?
Anyways, Im getting off course here.
So in Nursing School I learned that Essential Oils, Which are the natural oils derived from natural plants, are actually quite amazing.
They help with so many things, headaches, nerves, pain, nausea, etc....
Take a look below for some examples.
Is there anything you smell that just takes you somewhere else entirely??
For me its Chocolate... lol, Just kidding.
Its the rain. I can smell a storm coming a mile away. I love that smell of fresh rain in the clouds. To me, It smells like heaven. Like all that water is pushing the surface of those clouds, building up, and just waiting to explode onto the earth. Its clean, It fresh, .... The whole world around becomes my own little day dream. When I smell Rain coming, I for some reason have to drop my head back, close my eyes, and just inhale. It changes my mood, it fills my lungs, and then I usually get the urge to put on as little clothes as possible and work in it. I love the way rain feels on a Hot summer day, bouncing off your cheeks and legs.
For me, it would be the rain,....
(PS It just started raining)
Well Essential Oils have the ability to do that also.
Did you know that many Doctors will tell you not to waste your money on Baby Shampoo. Johnson and Johnson (sorry J&J)... Your new baby doesnt need to be cleaned with conventional soaps. They already smell Heavenly for no apparent reason, when theyre born. And they cannot walk or crawl, So why wash them with a bunch of chemicals and perfumes. Your pediatrician will tell you to just wipe them down with a warm cloth.
Now if your like me I had to have the Wash with Lavender and Chamomile. I swore it made the babies sleep better. And if they slept,.... That meant Mommy Slept. And if Mommy slpet, well than the world didnt stop turning. ( This was before college, and the apparent educated decisions)
When I had my 3rd child in 2007, I learned could give her the same bath, only better, healthier, and cheaper. So instead of baby wash and perfumes, I went and bought Oils. I ran her little newborn bottom a bath, (after the belly button healed of course) And added a few drops of Lavender to her tub. Thats it. You thought J&J smelled good, well the real thing is even better. And she slept even better. In fact when she was fussy Id do it to. The Lavender calms and soothes, Basil takes away migraines, Stops them in their tracks, Eucalyptus prevents flea from attacking your pets, and is very useful when you have a head cold or bronchitis. So is Lavender, Rosemary, Peppermint, & Cedarwood Myrtle.(For Lung issues.)
Essential Oils have so many uses. (Dont Eat them unless directed,) In that case you would put your oil into a tincture which would be in a base drink, water, juice, etc. And take as instructed by your doctor or an herbalist. Or if youve studied and have knowledge of the oils compounds and effects.
Your oils can be used in Diffusers too.
Oil are used to prevent flus, to be an antibacterial, antifungal, or anti microbial...
Heres a great recipe for Hand Sanitizer.
Homemade Hollistic Hand Sanitizer.
You'll need
*Unscented basic lotion from Health food store.
*E.O-Melissa, Thyme Thujanol, Lavender.
Pour lotion into a bowl
Add 1 drop of "Melissa Oil" (antiviral)
Add 5 drops of "Thyme Thujanol Oil" (antibacterial)
Add 6 drops of "Lavender Oil" (antifungal)
Blend with your stirring stick.
Put your lotion in a ziploc bag and cut the tip off. Squeeze into the bottle. And enjoy.
You now have an alcohol free hand sanitizer that is healthy and easy on your hands.
The blend of essential oils in good for your body, your skin, and has a wonderful scent.
Heres another Recipe. This calms the nervous system and changes an upsetting mood
The Burnout Prevention Blend!
You'll need
*Empty Bottle from Oils section & A Carrier Oil...
4 drops of Basil into bottle. (Shifts Brain Wave activity)
5 drops of Lemon. (helps even out Blood Sugar)
6 drops of Cypress, (Its an evergreen from the mediteranean)
*Carrier Oil- Apricot Kernal Oil. (You could use, Olive, Jojoba, Sweet Almond Oil.)
Fill the remainder of the bottle with your carrier oil, and roll your bottle to mix.
Enjoy your uplifting body oil. Rub on and inhale when you feel low, anger, or irritated.
Used in defuser, Oils can fill your home with soothing fragrance and Aromatherapy.
Used in lotions or Carrier Oils, They can be rubbed into your skin to heal ailment, and pains.
Herbs and oils are the base ingredient in most of our pharmacuetical drugs, They are in our soaps, and detergents, and in our yard. They grow wild everywhere.
I suggest you find your favorites, keep them on hand or plant them outside to have whenever you need.
Thank you for listening, I hope you learned some amazing things and that you might venture out and try aromatherapy or Essential Oils.
Thanks for Reading, I Pray you get the oppurtunity to Organically Raise Your Family...
The Oil part of my education was based on the use of them in therapy. Therapy for the body or Mind, Sports, Physical, Occupational, Speech. It didnt matter the cause, The outcome could all be greater than Science gave it. Greater Than doctors, and labcoats, tweeking our medication. Giving us an injection for this pain, and a cream for that pain, and a sedative for something else, and then 5 more medications because they needed to mask the side effects of the injection and cream. I refuse to subject my children to that. "Heres a flu shot that may or may not prevent you from getting ill. And the side effects will be unknown for now because we are slowly poisoning you with mercury and antifreeze. But please bring your kid back next year to get another one"
Does this make sense? Would you go in and let them put unknown (to you) things into your body, when you're not even really protected.
Have you ever takin the time to read the CDC's list of possible outcomes, and actual side effects before you innoculated your kids?
Anyways, Im getting off course here.
So in Nursing School I learned that Essential Oils, Which are the natural oils derived from natural plants, are actually quite amazing.
They help with so many things, headaches, nerves, pain, nausea, etc....
Take a look below for some examples.
Is there anything you smell that just takes you somewhere else entirely??
For me its Chocolate... lol, Just kidding.
Its the rain. I can smell a storm coming a mile away. I love that smell of fresh rain in the clouds. To me, It smells like heaven. Like all that water is pushing the surface of those clouds, building up, and just waiting to explode onto the earth. Its clean, It fresh, .... The whole world around becomes my own little day dream. When I smell Rain coming, I for some reason have to drop my head back, close my eyes, and just inhale. It changes my mood, it fills my lungs, and then I usually get the urge to put on as little clothes as possible and work in it. I love the way rain feels on a Hot summer day, bouncing off your cheeks and legs.
For me, it would be the rain,....
(PS It just started raining)
Well Essential Oils have the ability to do that also.
Did you know that many Doctors will tell you not to waste your money on Baby Shampoo. Johnson and Johnson (sorry J&J)... Your new baby doesnt need to be cleaned with conventional soaps. They already smell Heavenly for no apparent reason, when theyre born. And they cannot walk or crawl, So why wash them with a bunch of chemicals and perfumes. Your pediatrician will tell you to just wipe them down with a warm cloth.
Now if your like me I had to have the Wash with Lavender and Chamomile. I swore it made the babies sleep better. And if they slept,.... That meant Mommy Slept. And if Mommy slpet, well than the world didnt stop turning. ( This was before college, and the apparent educated decisions)
When I had my 3rd child in 2007, I learned could give her the same bath, only better, healthier, and cheaper. So instead of baby wash and perfumes, I went and bought Oils. I ran her little newborn bottom a bath, (after the belly button healed of course) And added a few drops of Lavender to her tub. Thats it. You thought J&J smelled good, well the real thing is even better. And she slept even better. In fact when she was fussy Id do it to. The Lavender calms and soothes, Basil takes away migraines, Stops them in their tracks, Eucalyptus prevents flea from attacking your pets, and is very useful when you have a head cold or bronchitis. So is Lavender, Rosemary, Peppermint, & Cedarwood Myrtle.(For Lung issues.)
Essential Oils have so many uses. (Dont Eat them unless directed,) In that case you would put your oil into a tincture which would be in a base drink, water, juice, etc. And take as instructed by your doctor or an herbalist. Or if youve studied and have knowledge of the oils compounds and effects.
Your oils can be used in Diffusers too.
Oil are used to prevent flus, to be an antibacterial, antifungal, or anti microbial...
Heres a great recipe for Hand Sanitizer.

You'll need
*Unscented basic lotion from Health food store.
*E.O-Melissa, Thyme Thujanol, Lavender.
Pour lotion into a bowl
Add 1 drop of "Melissa Oil" (antiviral)
Add 5 drops of "Thyme Thujanol Oil" (antibacterial)
Add 6 drops of "Lavender Oil" (antifungal)
Blend with your stirring stick.
Put your lotion in a ziploc bag and cut the tip off. Squeeze into the bottle. And enjoy.
You now have an alcohol free hand sanitizer that is healthy and easy on your hands.
The blend of essential oils in good for your body, your skin, and has a wonderful scent.
Heres another Recipe. This calms the nervous system and changes an upsetting mood
The Burnout Prevention Blend!
You'll need
*Empty Bottle from Oils section & A Carrier Oil...
4 drops of Basil into bottle. (Shifts Brain Wave activity)

6 drops of Cypress, (Its an evergreen from the mediteranean)
*Carrier Oil- Apricot Kernal Oil. (You could use, Olive, Jojoba, Sweet Almond Oil.)
Fill the remainder of the bottle with your carrier oil, and roll your bottle to mix.
Enjoy your uplifting body oil. Rub on and inhale when you feel low, anger, or irritated.
Used in defuser, Oils can fill your home with soothing fragrance and Aromatherapy.
Used in lotions or Carrier Oils, They can be rubbed into your skin to heal ailment, and pains.
Herbs and oils are the base ingredient in most of our pharmacuetical drugs, They are in our soaps, and detergents, and in our yard. They grow wild everywhere.
I suggest you find your favorites, keep them on hand or plant them outside to have whenever you need.
Thank you for listening, I hope you learned some amazing things and that you might venture out and try aromatherapy or Essential Oils.
Thanks for Reading, I Pray you get the oppurtunity to Organically Raise Your Family...
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Everyday Kitchen
Heres a few things I did yesterday.
Hiding the good stuff in your kids food is a great way to get them to take in vitamins, spices, and herbs they wouldn't normally want.
Flax seed is a wonderful way to get them Omega 3's. I don't know about you but my kids only wanted that omega gummy once. They said the fish taste was nasty and that was the end of that. lol
How do you sneak in your vitamins???
Just want to share.
I love going grocery shopping. I love coming home with fresh produce, and aromatic herbs. Or soft breads.
What I dont love is how after a week, my produce is already obtaining bruises, and growing eyes, and becoming slightly discolored or displaying a bit of a soft five o clock shadow.
It seems like everything is getting more expensive and the quality is becoming crappier.
Apples-Bruised within 3 days,
Grapes, squishy within 7 days,
Bananas- black withing 5 days,
Strawberries- Guaranteed when i get them home to wash them there will be a moldy one in the middle,
Celery-limp and Browning with 7 days, (TRICK-give it an ice bath before using, it will stiffen)
Potatoes- About 1/2 down the bag they have tentacles.
Baby Carrots- Within a week and a half they have a slimy coating.
So I decided after having to throw out a batch of sh!%%y produce from a crappy store,....
(insert me rolling my eyes and exhaling strongly)
That it was time to resolve my costly dilemma.
I took a bag of potatoes and diced some for frying with onions and rosemary.
Made a bag of potatoes sliced for Potatoes Au Gratin.
And a couple bags of Potatoes Chunked for mashed Potatoes.
I diced up 2 bags of celery for cooking, and 1 with the leaves and heart for stews and stock.
I diced the onions.
And I froze the unused baby carrots...
I also Found new ways to use FLAX SEED and WHEAT GERM...
Pancakes! Yum, Who doesn't love Pancakes, especially when Your kid had a sleep over, And You want to play Perfect Mommy/Host,...
Well ditch the cereal, Forget Pop Tarts...(who even feeds their kids those anymore) And whip up your favorite batch of pancakes.
Add a palm full of wheat Germ,
A Palm Full of Flax Seeds,
a teaspoon of Cinnamon,
Teaspoon of vanilla extract,
And a pinch of Nutmeg,
Homemade whipped cream.
or the ever popular Maple Syrup,...... And maybe serve with a side of Chicken and Sage Sausage, or some Eggs.
Then There was the ever popular, TRIPLE BERRY BREAD WITH STRUESEL TOPPING.
Make your favorite coffee cake recipe, Add blueberries, Strawberries, and Cranberries.
Then Top with Home made struesel.
Hiding the good stuff in your kids food is a great way to get them to take in vitamins, spices, and herbs they wouldn't normally want.
Flax seed is a wonderful way to get them Omega 3's. I don't know about you but my kids only wanted that omega gummy once. They said the fish taste was nasty and that was the end of that. lol
How do you sneak in your vitamins???
Dirty House, Deadly Cleaners.....
I used to be a major clean freak. I bleached everything. Scrubbed and scoured for hours and hours a week. I would wash cabinets so they remained white. I polished the faucets, and buffed the metal knobs. Used a toothbrush on the grout and the edges of sinks, windows, I would wash the walls to get rid of finger prints. scrubbing crayon marks.
The more kids I had, the harder it was to keep up with..On top of the death defying stunts I pulled each day in tackling the ever dangerous germs that could potentially creep in like a thief in the night, and take over my home..... (Uh HUM- Clearing throat and nervously tapping the table) My husband would tell me not to work so hard. Finally a friend told me that It was ok to have a house that was "lived in". Whether it be baby toys on the floor, finger prints on the fridge, or a dust bunny hiding somewhere.
That I didn't have to go overboard because it took away time I could be using to enjoy the kids, or cuddling on the couch with my husband. So I chilled.
The point of that was, I spent hours everyday with chemicals. Lysol, Mr.Clean, Bleach, Wood Soap, Disinfecting wipes, Magic Erasers, Pine Sol, Scrubbing Bubbles, Windex, and Soft scrub.
And after those hours, my fingers were dry, my skin was irritated, and i tasted bleach and metal when I drank water. I would get nauseous and dizzy and have to open windows and turn on fans,....And then I would continue scrubbing the floors with bleach. Especially when I was nesting.
I wish I knew then what I know now....
Did you know that the average house hold has 63 different hazardous chemicals.
That doesnt include whats in your food, on your produce, in your body care products, or in your home.
Most of the cleaners found on the store shelves, and under your sink, obtain cancer causing chemicals.
Did you know household cleaners are illegal to throw in the trash or pour on the ground, Just like engine oil. And some cleaners have the same things you'd find in a nuclear plant....crazy.
Its like "San Onofre" and an Ax-Murderer living under your Kitchen sink.
With little succulent chocolate cupcakes, trying to lure your kids into his death trap.
Anyone thirsty?? How about an eye wash?
Also theres that whole "ant" problem in summer, You know,......Those pesky little black demons that rampage your sugar bowl, that small annoying drip in the sink, the cereal up high in the cupboard....So why not get that bug spray.
Go ahead,...spray the counter, the floor, the doors and window sills.
I guess someone should tell you how a single granule of the household insecticide's main ingredient "Diazanon", can kill a bird. Whats it do to your pets?
Imagine what it could do to a child.
Natural Bug Repellent.
Safe for children, pets, and the home.
Fill a squirt bottle with water.
Add a dash cinnamon
A pinch of red pepper flakes
A few shakes of hot sauce
Shake,Spray and Wipe off.
This will remove their scent trail and repel them from coming back. Or you can use Borac Acid.
Then I found out that the main ingredient in glass cleaner "glycol ethers" can damage your unborn child, kidneys, blood, and your liver. (just by skin absorption or inhalation)
You can clean your windows effectively and streak free with vinegar and newspaper or rubbing Alcohol.
And toilet bowl cleansers, burn your skin, and cause hormonal imbalances, infertility, and female organ diseases. Think about that when you or your girls are going potty......
Baking Soda can effectively removed hard water stains, soap scum, and the ring in your toilet.
If you prefer to buy your cleaners instead of make them, (Which only comparatively costs pennies on the dollar) Look for Labels that say..
Here's a few house hold tips.
*When burning a candle, Use one made from beeswax. Paraffin is toxic when burned.
*Try enzymes for spot removal or live with the spot. Spot Cleaners are extremely hazardous and contaminate the air.
*Indoor Herbs can disinfect the air in your home naturally.
Also take some time to check out these websites.
And the Veria channel . 218 (dish)
Feel free to comment and please share the blog with your friends....
I know One mom can make a difference in her family and home,
But What if every mom that read this changed just one thing about there families habits and home,,.....
Wed have alot of greener families being organically raised by a natural mom.
Thanks for reading.
Food for Thought: Did you know?.... That Pizza wrapping, candy bar wrapping, popcorn bags, and other junk foods contain cancer causing ingredients.
The more kids I had, the harder it was to keep up with..On top of the death defying stunts I pulled each day in tackling the ever dangerous germs that could potentially creep in like a thief in the night, and take over my home..... (Uh HUM- Clearing throat and nervously tapping the table) My husband would tell me not to work so hard. Finally a friend told me that It was ok to have a house that was "lived in". Whether it be baby toys on the floor, finger prints on the fridge, or a dust bunny hiding somewhere.
That I didn't have to go overboard because it took away time I could be using to enjoy the kids, or cuddling on the couch with my husband. So I chilled.
The point of that was, I spent hours everyday with chemicals. Lysol, Mr.Clean, Bleach, Wood Soap, Disinfecting wipes, Magic Erasers, Pine Sol, Scrubbing Bubbles, Windex, and Soft scrub.
And after those hours, my fingers were dry, my skin was irritated, and i tasted bleach and metal when I drank water. I would get nauseous and dizzy and have to open windows and turn on fans,....And then I would continue scrubbing the floors with bleach. Especially when I was nesting.
I wish I knew then what I know now....
Did you know that the average house hold has 63 different hazardous chemicals.
That doesnt include whats in your food, on your produce, in your body care products, or in your home.
Most of the cleaners found on the store shelves, and under your sink, obtain cancer causing chemicals.
Did you know household cleaners are illegal to throw in the trash or pour on the ground, Just like engine oil. And some cleaners have the same things you'd find in a nuclear plant....crazy.
Its like "San Onofre" and an Ax-Murderer living under your Kitchen sink.
With little succulent chocolate cupcakes, trying to lure your kids into his death trap.
Anyone thirsty?? How about an eye wash?
Also theres that whole "ant" problem in summer, You know,......Those pesky little black demons that rampage your sugar bowl, that small annoying drip in the sink, the cereal up high in the cupboard....So why not get that bug spray.
Go ahead,...spray the counter, the floor, the doors and window sills.
I guess someone should tell you how a single granule of the household insecticide's main ingredient "Diazanon", can kill a bird. Whats it do to your pets?
Imagine what it could do to a child.
Natural Bug Repellent.
Safe for children, pets, and the home.
Fill a squirt bottle with water.
Add a dash cinnamon
A pinch of red pepper flakes
A few shakes of hot sauce
Shake,Spray and Wipe off.
This will remove their scent trail and repel them from coming back. Or you can use Borac Acid.
Then I found out that the main ingredient in glass cleaner "glycol ethers" can damage your unborn child, kidneys, blood, and your liver. (just by skin absorption or inhalation)
You can clean your windows effectively and streak free with vinegar and newspaper or rubbing Alcohol.
And toilet bowl cleansers, burn your skin, and cause hormonal imbalances, infertility, and female organ diseases. Think about that when you or your girls are going potty......
Baking Soda can effectively removed hard water stains, soap scum, and the ring in your toilet.
If you prefer to buy your cleaners instead of make them, (Which only comparatively costs pennies on the dollar) Look for Labels that say..
Here's a few house hold tips.
*When burning a candle, Use one made from beeswax. Paraffin is toxic when burned.
*Try enzymes for spot removal or live with the spot. Spot Cleaners are extremely hazardous and contaminate the air.
*Indoor Herbs can disinfect the air in your home naturally.
Also take some time to check out these websites.
And the Veria channel . 218 (dish)
Feel free to comment and please share the blog with your friends....
I know One mom can make a difference in her family and home,
But What if every mom that read this changed just one thing about there families habits and home,,.....
Wed have alot of greener families being organically raised by a natural mom.
Thanks for reading.
Food for Thought: Did you know?.... That Pizza wrapping, candy bar wrapping, popcorn bags, and other junk foods contain cancer causing ingredients.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
No more Poo?!
Ok, so I recently heard of this quickly spreading "No Poo" Challenge. I was so intrigued by the title that I had to follow up on this. (I think I secretly hoped it was some new wave fad that meant no more fiber)
So many people are trying this and from what Ive read, heard and seen....The results are well worth it.
Let me ask you something ladies...What is the first thing people notice when you walk into a room.
(Personally Im kind of a freak, So I tend to make friends with their shoes first) lol
However, You may have great legs, and Nice eyes, Fabulous curves or a killer smile, But Guaranteed if your hair has enough grease to fry my Thanksgiving Turkey,...Chances are No body's gonna take a second look.
Me, I have incredibly, fine, pin-point straight as a needle, long, blonde hair.
And I couldn't make this hair hold a style, a curl, a braid if my life depended on it. In fact when it gets to be below my scapula, (that's my shoulder bone for all you wondering.) I tend to hate it.Seriously....!!! Hate is an understatement. If there was a word that mimicked me screaming and yanking at these torturous locks, that would be the word i use.
Thats usually when I make a huge mistake and wack of more then should be allowed...Remember the Kate haircut. MmmHmmm. I did that. I also failed it, But I did it.
Bottom line. It gets long, stringy, dull, flat, and tends the get greasy alot quicker. My average every other day washes become twice a day .....
Ive bought expensive heat curls, Spent ridiculous sums of money of expensive shampoos, even more of conditioner. I bought plasma tubes, fancy brushes, leave in creams, gels, 3 kinds of mousse, hairspray, plat irons, teasers, etc...
But at the end of the day, its just boring.
Im not exaggerating friends, Seriously, I went into get a perm 3 years ago. I wanted some beautiful small curls...Bad Idea. I loved my curls, (Hated the smell) But loved my hair. Went home, Danced around in the mirror like an Herbal Essence commercial, And went to bed. Woke up in the morning.
When i woke up 7 hours later my hair from the part to my ears was curly, Just barely...And from my ears to my mid back was straight. Not even a kink. She said my hair was so fine and virgin that she needed to do it again. So, I got 2 perms within 12 hours of each other... The frizzy untameable mess on top of my head is what 3 months later led to the Kate Gosselin cut. And lots of Afro creams.
Sorry lost track.....
Not too mention, Shampoo has proven Cancer causing, and Nerve Damaging chemicals in every wash. Have you ever noticed that film that tends to grow in the bottom of one of those counter top dish drainers.....That's the residue left over from your dishes...AFTER you've already rinsed the soap off... So imagine how much is in your hair, inside your body. They say you are what you eat, well they also say If you wouldn't eat it, you shouldn't put it ON your body.
(I guess this means, no Caviar baths for me.ha ha)
What the No Poo challenge is, Is taking Shampoo and conditioner out of your shower.
Instead Wash your hair with baking soda. (1tbsp per cup of water) Make a paste out of a slowly massage into your crown, then your part, then the length of your hair and last the side burns and bangs.
The massage promotes hair growth. The baking soda cleans your hair and strips away all the chemicals and build up, leaving your hair fresh and clean. For the conditioner, Use 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar to a cup of water and dip your tips/ends into this solution. You can also use Honey and water mixture for the conditioning. Or try some jojoba oil on your tips.
Remember there is a transition period. Although it is different for everyone, don't let this discourage you. Its about a week, to a month.
• If your hair becomes frizzy, try using less baking soda or leaving it on for a shorter period of time. Try the honey trick.
• If your hair becomes greasy, try using less apple cider vinegar, switching to lemon or lime juice, leaving out the honey, and/or using a comb instead of a brush. Also, make sure you’re applying the apple cider vinegar just to the ends of your hair.
• If your scalp itches, try the following essential oils; tea tree, lavender, rosemary. If your hair becomes dry, try a tiny bit of oil (any oil, I use olive) smoothed on bottom of hair.
The best thing about this, is its all natural, puts life back into your hair, keeps your natural color vibrant and shiny, and its cheaper than chemically altered soaps.
Even Baby Shampoo is horrible.
Laboratory tests on Johnson’s baby shampoo revealed that it contained 210 parts per million of formaldehyde. About two dozen other products, out of 48 tested, had similar or higher levels.
Example Johnson and Johnson Baby Shampoo (as listed on cosmeticsdatabase.com):
Ingredients in this product are linked to:
- Cancer
- Developmental/reproductive toxicity
- Violations, restrictions & warnings
- Allergies/immunotoxicity
- Other concerns for ingredients used in this product:
Neurotoxicity, Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive), Miscellaneous, Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Enhanced skin absorption, Contamination concerns, Occupational hazards
Directions from packaging: Wet hair, apply shampoo, lather, and rinse,Repeat.
Warnings from packaging: Keep out of reach of young children.
Ill be posting throughout my challenge, so keep following me to see the results of my No Poo.
Day 1
Okay, When I set out to do this little experiment I decided not to wash my hair for 3 days, Usually I wash it every 2 days, but this time I let it go an extra day. When I got in the bath today My hair was not horrible, Ive seen worse. But I definitely wouldn't go out in public. It couldn't even be redeemed with the ever popular messy bun.
I took en empty mason jar and started with 1 tbsp of soda, and about 2 cups of water. It dissolved very quickly and looked like nothing was added to it. So I put another tbsp. Still clear. I added one more, which turned my water a cloudy white. I decided that I was convinced there was baking soda in it and poured this rinse over my hair. I began massaging in soothing little circles, first on top then underneath, the sides, and then the length. I took a little pinch of dry soda and rubbed it with both hands into the long part of my hair from my ears down. then rinsed very well. I could immediately tell that after all that massaging how clean my hair felt. I'm not kidding,
Id be skeptical too if I was you, I mean who actual does these home gimmicks, right. Just Hippies and crazy people You know...... Wrong. Mothers who have been educated and informed, People who take the time to find better ways to live there life, and take care of their families, That's who.
Me.... I did it.
Anyways, I rang my hair out the best I could then took 1 tbsp honey mixed in a cup with 1 tbsp lemon juice and 1 cup hot water and set the length of my hair down in it.
Then after I took my hair out of the cup(about 30 seconds - 60 seconds later) I poured the rest of it over the remainder of hair. Then Rinsed. The sweet taste trickled down my forehead and onto my lips And I was pleasantly surprised and extremely proud at that moment that what I just washed my hair with was safe enough to eat.
When I got out I wrapped my hair in a towel for 5 minutes then brushed it. It was easy to brush, Not as easy as if I had drenched it in conditioner, But easy enough. It was clean, I'm talked squeaky clean. It felt lighter and softer. Once It dried I was amazed, It has body!!!! And it doesn't smell bad. It smells like hair, with a suttle hint of honey.
Like seriously, it bounced. It shiny and silky and I'm fricken impressed.
I watched alot of you tube and read alot of reviews and It was 50/50. Some people seen instant results, and some took a couple weeks to get there, I think it depends on hair dying, perms, damages etc.
The Gods Honest truth, My hair feels like I just got a hair cut and a salon wash job. And I used No Poo. Ill continue to update. Ill probably wash again in 2-3 days.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Delish Lunch Idea Moms...
So Im ALWAYS looking for something delicious and entertaining and healthy. Something that kids wont get tired of.
Occasionally we like to do things like celery with Peanut butter and Cranberrys/Raisins on top...Called "Ants on a Log"
Or we like to do whole apple slices with cream cheese on them, Then top with Pecans.
But Today we tried something new.
Now you can do this recipe with tortillas, Or anything in your fridge.
I used 100% Stone ground Whole Wheat Flat bread. (from flat out) Its just like a tortilla. But better.
I then spread some chunky peanut butter on it,
Drizzled some Local fresh honey in there to, Then added a banana.
Occasionally we like to do things like celery with Peanut butter and Cranberrys/Raisins on top...Called "Ants on a Log"
Or we like to do whole apple slices with cream cheese on them, Then top with Pecans.
But Today we tried something new.
Now you can do this recipe with tortillas, Or anything in your fridge.
I used 100% Stone ground Whole Wheat Flat bread. (from flat out) Its just like a tortilla. But better.
I then spread some chunky peanut butter on it,
Drizzled some Local fresh honey in there to, Then added a banana.
I rolled it up like a burrito. And Wallah!!! A Healthy alternative to bread and jelly. My youngest one loves it....

(ps anyone know how to turn pics on this blog. Lol)
What did you just put in your mouth?!
(Hi Readers, Im gonna start out with this post is probably rated pg-13 today, so read with caution.)
Its easy to say "NOT ME". "That's not me", "Its not affecting me". "I'm not obese". "I eat healthy". "Im fine". "This is blown out of proportion right". "My kids are totally active and fit".....
NOPE. Now don't get me wrong. I love my meat, I'm not gonna beat down the door of the Pork manufacturer. Bottom line is If I was to kill the animals at home, Like a chicken...It still has to be killed, Then drained, and scalded to remove feathers (I assume we are much more humane about the process than the industry)SO Theres the Life cycle, Food chain, I get that...Its all the other crap I don't understand. Injecting the animals so they grow faster. Sticking the chickens in cages where they cannot move, after searing off theirs beaks, grinding male chicks because they are of no use, Starving the chickens for 2 weeks at a time so their body is forced into a serious laying cycle....(I don't want to eat a piece of meat that was depressed sick and severely pissed off. Probably not so good for the meat,. right)...Injecting them with hormones and antibiotics.
Roughly 70% of all antibiotics manufactured are given to farm animals within the industry. I dont know about you but the more I read the more I dont want to put another industry manufactured animal on my plate.
ALSO, did you know that It is a common industry practice to infuse ground beef with carbon monoxide gas, which keeps beef red for weeks after it actually already spoiled. When we go into the store and buy our meat, take hamburger for instance.... By the time you get it home its browning around the edges...but still red on the inside. Thats only partially blood in the meat. The rest is dye. Its the same with our crops. They get harvested, dipped in chlorine to stop the aging process so they don't spoil to quickly, Stuck in a truck, taken to the warehouse, shipped again. When they get into the next truck they are passed through a C102 cloud to once again prevent them from aging. And then sprayed again when they get to the store shelves, Where you the consumer are presented with a shiny, ripe, very appealing piece of fruit or vegetable, And you have No idea that it was just picked, tossed, boxed, triple sprayed, injected, driven for 2-7 days in a chemical filled truck, then placed in your produce isle. Not to mention all the spraying and things that happened to it while it was growing.
The Husband and I have been planning on raising cattle, free range chickens, and pigs and goats for the milk, eggs, and meat. This is all pushing me to get to that point quicker....
Ok, So Basically when I went shopping the other day, I bought as much unprocessed healthy food as I could. What wasn't there or wasn't affordable I gave in on. From the outside I had a perfectly healthy cart. After doing some research and calculations, Ive determined friends, that in one week .....
I have ingested 14 different pesticides everyday for 7 days..= thats 98 servings of PESTICIDE!
Chlorine and C102 on my non organic produce.
In My Meat I have ingested and fed my young children, In one meal....(x that by 21 meals for the week)
.....Synthetic Growth Hormone, Nitrates & Nitrites, Antibiotics, Arsenic. also Red Dye, Carbon Monoxide, & dewormer.
I have ingested Condiments infused with chemicals.
Cleaned my house with chemical cleaners that have soaked into my eating and prep surfaces.
This is crazy!!! That's so much foreign unhealthy stuff in my body!
Whats that junk in my meat???, You asked.....
(*SYNTHETIC GROWTH HORMONE (This is proven to cause puberty in girls as young as 7, I'm OK with NOT buying my 3rd grader a training bra,....next please!)
*ANTIBIOTICS.....Don't they shove enough down us already!
*NITRATES AND NITRITES....=Nitrates and nitrites are chemicals used to cure and preserve meats like hot dogs and deli meats and bacon. They also help to maintain color, flavor and extend shelf life. Consumption of processed meats containing these chemicals have been linked to increased rates of bladder cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. When meat is grilled, nitrates and nitrites combine with natural chemicals in the meat to form carcinogenic nitrosamines.
And then theres these Guys seriously overpaying Farmers to bypass Morals and Keep on heading straight til they reach over medicated, hormone infused, forced to grow as quickly as possible, to get the cows to the shelf sooner......
Have you ever heard the saying, we are what we eat? Of course, who hasn't. Well its true. We are what we put into our bodies. We consume caffeinated drinks, energy drinks, crack in a bottle shots, and sure we're up and awake for a minute, shaky, a little jumpy, but were awake right,.....Until we crash. Our body was forced by unnatural chemicals to push through and now its exhausted.
We love our fast food right,....
Im No better than you. Ive yet to find a Jack in the box in Kentucky, Believe you and me, If I had access to one, Id be in serious trouble. I was just telling my husband Id give mty left knee and everything below it for 2 tacos, and some cheddar bacon wedges. Maybe a sourdough jack. But I always feel sluggish afterwards, a little blah.
I can tell the difference in my body every time I eat something over processed, preserved, and chemical covered. Its so easy for us to not be aware of the dangers around us.
This blog started with one line this morning,....The rest grew in the hour I spent studying. I challenge you to do the same. Grow your own produce. Shop Farmers market( even if they're not totally organic, they have considerably less than that of a large scale farmer using industrial ones) Raise your own meat. Just start with a couple chickens. Or a pig. 4H is always giving away their animals at the end of its school year...:) If you cant slaughter yourself, take them into the butcher. Or buy your meat from an organic local butcher. In the long run you spend less raising and slaughtering your own meat. And get safer food.
Also You can trade meat for butcher services instead of cash in some places.
I hope everyone can find some inspiration in today's blog and maybe make a small change in their shopping habits or diet. The image of foreign chemicals, poisons, and rotting spoiled food passing through my children's bodies is enough for me...
From my organic blog to your organic mind.....ha ha, I hope you enjoyed. -Miranda
Its easy to say "NOT ME". "That's not me", "Its not affecting me". "I'm not obese". "I eat healthy". "Im fine". "This is blown out of proportion right". "My kids are totally active and fit".....
NOPE. Now don't get me wrong. I love my meat, I'm not gonna beat down the door of the Pork manufacturer. Bottom line is If I was to kill the animals at home, Like a chicken...It still has to be killed, Then drained, and scalded to remove feathers (I assume we are much more humane about the process than the industry)SO Theres the Life cycle, Food chain, I get that...Its all the other crap I don't understand. Injecting the animals so they grow faster. Sticking the chickens in cages where they cannot move, after searing off theirs beaks, grinding male chicks because they are of no use, Starving the chickens for 2 weeks at a time so their body is forced into a serious laying cycle....(I don't want to eat a piece of meat that was depressed sick and severely pissed off. Probably not so good for the meat,. right)...Injecting them with hormones and antibiotics.
Roughly 70% of all antibiotics manufactured are given to farm animals within the industry. I dont know about you but the more I read the more I dont want to put another industry manufactured animal on my plate.
ALSO, did you know that It is a common industry practice to infuse ground beef with carbon monoxide gas, which keeps beef red for weeks after it actually already spoiled. When we go into the store and buy our meat, take hamburger for instance.... By the time you get it home its browning around the edges...but still red on the inside. Thats only partially blood in the meat. The rest is dye. Its the same with our crops. They get harvested, dipped in chlorine to stop the aging process so they don't spoil to quickly, Stuck in a truck, taken to the warehouse, shipped again. When they get into the next truck they are passed through a C102 cloud to once again prevent them from aging. And then sprayed again when they get to the store shelves, Where you the consumer are presented with a shiny, ripe, very appealing piece of fruit or vegetable, And you have No idea that it was just picked, tossed, boxed, triple sprayed, injected, driven for 2-7 days in a chemical filled truck, then placed in your produce isle. Not to mention all the spraying and things that happened to it while it was growing.
The Husband and I have been planning on raising cattle, free range chickens, and pigs and goats for the milk, eggs, and meat. This is all pushing me to get to that point quicker....
Ok, So Basically when I went shopping the other day, I bought as much unprocessed healthy food as I could. What wasn't there or wasn't affordable I gave in on. From the outside I had a perfectly healthy cart. After doing some research and calculations, Ive determined friends, that in one week .....
I have ingested 14 different pesticides everyday for 7 days..= thats 98 servings of PESTICIDE!
Chlorine and C102 on my non organic produce.
In My Meat I have ingested and fed my young children, In one meal....(x that by 21 meals for the week)
.....Synthetic Growth Hormone, Nitrates & Nitrites, Antibiotics, Arsenic. also Red Dye, Carbon Monoxide, & dewormer.
I have ingested Condiments infused with chemicals.
Cleaned my house with chemical cleaners that have soaked into my eating and prep surfaces.
This is crazy!!! That's so much foreign unhealthy stuff in my body!
Whats that junk in my meat???, You asked.....
(*SYNTHETIC GROWTH HORMONE (This is proven to cause puberty in girls as young as 7, I'm OK with NOT buying my 3rd grader a training bra,....next please!)
*ANTIBIOTICS.....Don't they shove enough down us already!
*NITRATES AND NITRITES....=Nitrates and nitrites are chemicals used to cure and preserve meats like hot dogs and deli meats and bacon. They also help to maintain color, flavor and extend shelf life. Consumption of processed meats containing these chemicals have been linked to increased rates of bladder cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. When meat is grilled, nitrates and nitrites combine with natural chemicals in the meat to form carcinogenic nitrosamines.
*ARSENIC... is a notoriously poisonous metalloid....used because it improves the color of chickens. WT%?)
Have you ever heard the saying, we are what we eat? Of course, who hasn't. Well its true. We are what we put into our bodies. We consume caffeinated drinks, energy drinks, crack in a bottle shots, and sure we're up and awake for a minute, shaky, a little jumpy, but were awake right,.....Until we crash. Our body was forced by unnatural chemicals to push through and now its exhausted.
We love our fast food right,....
Im No better than you. Ive yet to find a Jack in the box in Kentucky, Believe you and me, If I had access to one, Id be in serious trouble. I was just telling my husband Id give mty left knee and everything below it for 2 tacos, and some cheddar bacon wedges. Maybe a sourdough jack. But I always feel sluggish afterwards, a little blah.
I can tell the difference in my body every time I eat something over processed, preserved, and chemical covered. Its so easy for us to not be aware of the dangers around us.
This blog started with one line this morning,....The rest grew in the hour I spent studying. I challenge you to do the same. Grow your own produce. Shop Farmers market( even if they're not totally organic, they have considerably less than that of a large scale farmer using industrial ones) Raise your own meat. Just start with a couple chickens. Or a pig. 4H is always giving away their animals at the end of its school year...:) If you cant slaughter yourself, take them into the butcher. Or buy your meat from an organic local butcher. In the long run you spend less raising and slaughtering your own meat. And get safer food.
Also You can trade meat for butcher services instead of cash in some places.
I hope everyone can find some inspiration in today's blog and maybe make a small change in their shopping habits or diet. The image of foreign chemicals, poisons, and rotting spoiled food passing through my children's bodies is enough for me...
From my organic blog to your organic mind.....ha ha, I hope you enjoyed. -Miranda
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Shopping for Organic Foods
WOW!!! Did u know......
"Picking five servings of fruits and vegetables from the 12 most contaminated would cause you to consume an average of 14 different pesticides a day,"
the group reports in its findings, which were based on data collected by the United States Departure of Agriculture of food samples that often were ready to be eaten (meaning that they had already been peeled or washed as necessary).
(HuffPost blogger Dr. Andrew Weil told EWG when they released the "Shoppers List",...
"We have very good data showing that if people eat organic that measurable pesticide levels in their tissues drop, and this has been shown with kids as well,")
Theres a wonderful website I like to look it. Heres the link.
Eating organic is great. I wish we could all eat everything organic. Unfortunately with grocery prices raising and incomes decreasing, Sometimes being complately Organic isnt totally realistic, So heres the 2011 Shoppers List on the DIRTY DOZEN. The clean 15 has so few chemicals incorporated that its safer to buy these non organic if need be.
EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce
"Picking five servings of fruits and vegetables from the 12 most contaminated would cause you to consume an average of 14 different pesticides a day,"
the group reports in its findings, which were based on data collected by the United States Departure of Agriculture of food samples that often were ready to be eaten (meaning that they had already been peeled or washed as necessary).
(HuffPost blogger Dr. Andrew Weil told EWG when they released the "Shoppers List",...
"We have very good data showing that if people eat organic that measurable pesticide levels in their tissues drop, and this has been shown with kids as well,")
Theres a wonderful website I like to look it. Heres the link.
Eating organic is great. I wish we could all eat everything organic. Unfortunately with grocery prices raising and incomes decreasing, Sometimes being complately Organic isnt totally realistic, So heres the 2011 Shoppers List on the DIRTY DOZEN. The clean 15 has so few chemicals incorporated that its safer to buy these non organic if need be.
EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce
Dirty Dozen
Buy these organic
– imported
– imported
Grapes – imported
Sweet bell peppers
– domestic
– domestic
Kale/collard greens
CLEAN 15- Dont have to buy these organically.
Lowest in Pesticide
Sweet Corn
Sweet peas
- domestic
- domestic
Sweet potatoes
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